Obtain the Most Effective LASIK Procedure

10min Procedure
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Everyone has the Right to See the World at Clarity

Around half of the population of India is estimated to have a vision impairment. However, due to LASIK eye surgery’s precision and safety, virtually all vision abnormalities can now be addressed in an efficient manner.

 NABH Accredited
Govt-accredited for excellence in ophthalmic technology
 20yr Experience
Since 1993, we’ve been providing essential health and vision services in the region.
 Expert Doctor Care
You will be given the greatest attention and compassion.
 Excellent Services
Today, we have found a place in the market of eyecare services for everyone.

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Eye Health And Vision Care

LASIK is a 10-minute surgery that may assist you in getting rid of contact lenses and glasses. LASIK is effective at treating refractive errors such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism:


Myopia [ Near Sightedness ]

Myopia, or nearsightedness, is an eye disease in which near things are focused correctly, but distant ones are not. This might lead to difficulties such as being unable to identify objects at a distance, headaches, and eye strain. The goal of myopia surgery treatment is to flatten the cornea so that light can focus directly on the retina, rather than in front of it or behind it.


Hyperopia [ Far Sightedness ]

The visual acuity of a person with hyperopia or farsightedness is lower than that of a person without this condition. The eye can clearly distinguish far-off things, but nearby objects are difficult to visualize. If left untreated, hyperopia may induce severe headaches and blurred vision. The objective of surgery therefore is to elongate the eye and make the cornea a bit steeper.


Astigmatism [ Irregular Cornea ]

Astigmatism is a condition in which the eyes are not entirely round. The corneal curvature is not entirely symmetrical, and the cornea is irregular. Light scattering around causes distortions in vision due to irregularities. By manipulating certain portions of the cornea unevenly during surgery, its curvature is made smooth and symmetrical.This helps to improve vision.

LASIK Surgery Procedure

We offer the finest and safest surgical procedure for specs removal, as confirmed by our Lasik eye surgeons in Delhi. Flap-based (PRK) and Flapless (PRK) are the two most common methods of performing Lasik operations.


Flap-Based Procedure

  • Uses a microkeratome or a Femto Laser to create a very thin corneal flap.
  • The flap is pushed back to reveal the underlying tissue.
  • Reshaping the cornea with an excimer laser in a unique pre-determined pattern

Flapless Procedure

  • Uses a laser to cut through the epidermis (outer layer of the eye) of the front eye tissue layer (epithelial).
  • The cornea is reshaped using an excimer laser.
  • However, this is the most secure technique, but it takes 1-2 days longer to heal.

With Our Doctors, You Get the Right LASIK Care!

Welcome To Eyemantra Eye Care.

Laser / LASIK Eye Surgery Options

LASIK is a well-established procedure for correcting bad eyesight that has very little side effects. The LASIK treatment is a safe surgery with only minor problems. We have helped people quit wearing glasses by performing Laser Specs removal operations.


Standard LASIK

Corneal refractive surgery with a femtosecond laser, also known as traditional Lasik or standard Lasik, is a method to adjust the cornea using an advanced Laser to cure refractive error. Before the operation, some diagnostic tests determine how much remodeling will be done. A surgical instrument is used to create a flap on the cornea. The excimer laser is then used to vaporize tissue from the cornea, which changes its shape. The flap is then returned to its place and the healing process begins.

femto lasik (2)


Bladeless LASIK (Femtosecond assisted laser in-situ keratomileusis), often known as femtosecond laser surgery, does not employ a blade and instead replaces it with a femtos laser. To improve efficiency, achieve optimum outcomes, & recovery, the refractive conditions are corrected using an advanced femto laser. Femtosecond lasers create a more precise corneal incision than is possible with a mechanical microkeratome blade. This can result in quicker visual recovery and reduced complications.

Smile lasik


SMILE is a new type of surgery that uses a femtosecond laser to reshape the cornea. The laser’s high peak intensity over a very short pulse duration (within a few femtoseconds of time) enables it to produce micro-precision single holes (bubbles) that form cuts or planes in the corneal tissue without affecting the surrounding tissue. This results in a very precise and clean incision that is less likely to cause tissue damage or inflammation. Unlike LASIK, SMILE only requires a single cut. 

ICL Lasik

ICL / Implants

The procedure for implanting an ICL is surgery. The surgeon inserts the lens among the natural lens and the colored iris of the eye. The lens refracts light on the retina by bending (refracting) it using the existing lens of the eye. ICL is an internationally used vision therapy. For correction, an aspherical lens is placed over the natural eye lens surgically. ICL is a very advanced vision correction procedure that is used all over the world. Be sure to speak with your doctor about all of the risks and benefits involved.

Contoura Vision

Contoura Vision

Topolyser’s corneal topography, in addition to CornealTopographer, may detect the tiniest faults in the corneal curvature. It generates 22000 points of data rather than the current wavefront-guided LASIK, which has a measurement range of just 2000 points. These measurements are subsequently integrated with the prescription to plan and program a tailored treatment into the laser.This results in a more precise and effective treatment, reducing the chances of complications and side-effects.



The reliable and precise removal and remodeling of layers is carried out with a (Excimer) laser. Computer-controlled corneal reshaping is based on shape mapping test results. 1050 pulses per second are fired by the rapid-firing laser, which also tracks any movements for an accurate treatment. A healing lens, which is generally discarded after 2-4 days, is placed during the procedure. The Excimer laser has been used for over 25 years in over 30 million procedures and has an excellent safety record. 

LASIK vs Contoura Vision vs SMILE

You’ve undoubtedly heard of laser eye surgery as a method of correcting vision. SMILE, Contoura, and Lasik are three types of laser eye surgery procedures. But which one is the finest for you?

Trans PRKContoura VisionLASIKSMILE
Cost (INR)50,000 – 75,00095,000 – 1,05,00080,000 – 1,00,00080,000 – 95,000
Quality of Vision
Post Surgery Dryness
Tissue Saving & Corneal Strength
Range of Correction
Eye Movement tracking
Visual Axis Treatment
Corneal Irregularities Correction
WOW Effect

Best Eye Hospital.

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There are several excellent hospitals worldwide that perform LASIK Laser eye surgery, such as L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad and Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai, as well as AIIMS and Eye Mantra in India. The best place for LASIK Laser treatment in Delhi & the NCR region is undoubtedly Eye Mantra. Our team of experienced ophthalmologists use the latest techniques and equipment to provide comprehensive eye care for patients undergoing LASIK, SMILE, Contura or ICL surgery. We are committed to providing affordable, high quality eye care services that help our patients achieve better vision and a better quality of life.

If you are considering LASIK Laser surgery, we encourage you to book a consultation with us so that we can assess your individual needs and recommend the best treatment option for you. We look forward to helping you achieve clear vision!

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NABH Accredited
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Ayushman Bharat Certified

Choose Your Procedure

Lasik is a 10-minute surgery that may be used to get rid of glasses and contact lenses.

Eye Glasses PowerSpecs Remove Procedure
-1 to -8Contoura, SMILE, LASIK, PRK
-8 to -20ICL
+1 to +5Contoura, LASIK, PRK
+5 to +10ICL or RLE

Contact Lens vs Glasses vs Laser Eye Surgery

Do you have questions about whether glasses, contact lenses, or LASIK eye surgery is the best option for you? But if you ask a number of people, read what they’ve experienced and studied, where they are in life, and who they work for, you’ll get a range of information and viewpoints.



  • Low Price, basic vision correction.
  • They are available everywhere, and they help people see more clearly at a low cost. They also safeguard the eyes from harm.
  • Eyeglasses are inconvenient, unattractive, and not appropriate for a variety of activities, making them prone to breaking or loss. Reading glasses are often a limited option to presbyopia. Glasses may end up costing more than Laser Eye Surgery over a person’s lifetime.
contact lenses

Contact Lenses

  • Vision is clear, but at a steep price.
  • Contact lenses can improve visual acuity and provide a greater and clearer field of vision than glasses. They are mostly invisible to the naked eye.
  • Lenses can cause infections, eye damage, discomfort and redness even when they are worn correctly. They’re not right for everyone, and some people may find it difficult to cure astigmatism.They’re also the most expensive way to improve your vision in the long term.

Laser Eye Surgery

  • New technique for restoring vision
  • Lasik eye surgery permanently affects your eyesight and improves your vision more than glasses or contacts. It is great for sports and activities where glasses or contacts are inconvenient. It’s one of the most safe electives in the world.

Surgery Cost

The price of LASIK eye surgery varies based on the type of surgery you select. The more sophisticated the technology, the higher the price. But, the cost also reflects the expertise and experience of the ophthalmologist performing the surgery. Fewer than 10% of all eye surgeons in India have the training and experience to perform LASIK surgery.

The Eye Mantra hospital is one of the finest eye hospitals in India that provides LASIK eye surgery at reasonable rates. The cost of Standard Blade LASIK ranges from $15,000 to $25,000. In Delhi, bladeless LASIK surgery might cost anywhere from $75,000 to $90,000 (approx). The cost, however, depends on the procedure used and the complexity of each case.

ProcedureRecovery TimeRisks (Dislocation / flap tearing)Suitability (High power / thin cornea)Key BenefitPrice/Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK In Delhi30 daysHighBasic standard surgery for specs removal12,000
C LASIK In Delhi15 daysHighCustomized to cornea16,000
Contoura In Delhi3 daysLowCorneal polishing and aberration removal for super vision.25,000
TransPRK In Delhi3 daysLowOne step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless, Touchless, Safest32,000
Femto LASIK In Delhi3 daysHighLaser used to create flap40,000
ICL Surgery In Delhi3 daysMediumEye lens replaced with a new lens40,000
Smart Surf LASIK In Delhi3 daysLowest5D Eye tracking with aberration removal | Max tissue saving45,000
SMILE In Delhi7 daysLowLaser used to extract eye tissue for vision correction80,000

Frequently Asked Question's.

LASIK is approved for the correction of nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK surgery uses one type of laser that cuts a flap in your eye to reshape its natural shape. It’s better than refractive lens surgery because it has a decreased amount of problems and is more predictable. Furthermore, it’s more effective for patients with higher degrees of refractive error.

You must meet the following requirements to be a qualified LASIK candidate: You must be at least 18 years old. Corneal disease should have been discovered or indicated in the past. Change your eyeglasses or contact lenses on a regular basis if you want them to stay clear. Some conditions and medications, such as steroids, may cause vision changes. You should have large pupils and dry eyes.

Before coming for LASIK, prepare the following: Put the antibiotic eye drops in both eyes as directed by your eye doctor six times a day one day before surgery. On the day of LASIK, do not use scents, powder, or cosmetics on your face and eyes. One week before surgery, stop using contact lenses. It is okay to have a small amount of relaxation time with your doctor’s permission. Wash your hair on the day of LASIK so you will not feel the need to wash them for the next two or three days. Consume a regular, light meal before coming in for LASIK.

It is extremely important that you follow all of your eye doctor’s instructions before LASIK surgery. This will help ensure that the procedure goes smoothly and that you experience the best possible results. Be sure to ask your doctor any questions you may have so that you are fully prepared for the procedure.

LASIK eye surgery is quite safe. These operations are also US FDA approved, which means they have been assessed and found to be safe for human eyes. However, like every other surgical procedure, it has the potential to cause complications if a thorough pre-procedure examination isn’t done.

Some patients might experience mild dryness in their eyes, which can usually be relieved by using lubricating eye drops. Some may also experience temporary halos around lights at night, but this should diminish over time. After LASIK surgery, some patients might experience mild heaviness or blurred vision. These are due to the numbing eye drops used during the procedure and should wear off shortly. Overall, these side effects are rare and can easily be managed by your doctor.

No, LASIK eye surgery does not entail any discomfort. Many patients report that their LASIK operation did not cause them any discomfort. Before LASIK eye surgery, an anaesthetic solution is applied to completely numb the eye. You may be given a mild sedative to give a calm sensation to the candidate before surgery.

LASIK surgery is a very quick procedure. The whole surgery takes place within minutes and there is no need to stay overnight at the hospital. However, you may experience some discomfort and tearing in your eyes for the first 24 hours after the surgery. It is important to rest your eyes and take good care of them after the surgery.
