What is LASIK?

We think that everyone has the right to see the world clearly. That is why we’ve chosen to devote our life to providing people with the greatest eye doctors possible.

Every Individual has the Right to See the World Clearly.

LASIK is an acronym for laser in situ keratomileusis, which means applying a laser beneath a corneal flap (in situ) to reshape the cornea (keratomileusis). Lasik Laser Surgery is a medical treatment that uses Lasik Laser to alter the surface of the eye. Myopia (short-sightedness), hypermetropia (long-sightedness) and astigmatism (uneven curvature of the eye’s surface) can be corrected through Lasik Laser Surgery.

During the Lasik surgery, a local anesthetic will be placed in your eye and a special eyelid clip will be used to prevent blinking. You won’t be able to see anything out, but you can observe a red or green light during the procedure. A highly accurate instrument with a blade (Microkeratome) or Laser (IntraLase) will be used to cut a very thin flap in your cornea.

Your surgeon will open up the flap (like the cover of a book) and use a computer-controlled laser to reshape the cornea beneath. It will take roughly 30 seconds to remove all of your cornea. After that, your Lasik Surgeon will reposition the flap so that it can permanently join with the rest of your cornea. You will not need any stitches. Instead, your Lasik Surgeon will prescribe antibiotic eye drops to help prevent you from getting an infection.

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Common Introspection

LASIK is a safe surgical treatment with minor risks and few post-operative problems. Laser Specs removals done by us have helped patients abandon their glasses for good.


The most frequent introspection done by Lasik Patients before having Lasik Surgery are:

  • Have you ever been frustrated with having to rely on glasses or contact lenses? Are you looking for a long-term solution?
  • Do I require Lasik eye surgery to get rid of my glasses permanently?
  • Is it true that I am a good candidate for Lasik laser surgery?
  • Where can I get Lasik surgery in Delhi?
  • What are the costs involved with laser eye surgery?
  • What are the different Lasik surgical procedures and which one is best for me?
  • What should I do after Lasik laser eye surgery?
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Best Hospital

LASIK treatment is available in several eye hospitals throughout India, including Shroff eye hospital, AIIMS, Sankara Netralaya, and Eye Mantra. With over 100,000+ eyes operated by its specialists, Eye Mantra is one of the leaders in LASIK surgery.

We are one of the first clinics in India to have a Laser Femto Assisted Surgery Unit. The technique corrects pre-existing astigmatism. Our leading LASIK surgeons in Delhi and other cities utilize cutting-edge technology to provide the best outcomes following LASIK surgery.

Contact our specialist eye doctors right now. We endeavor to improve the quality of life and offer the finest eye care services at the most reasonable costs.

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Surgery Cost

The cost of LASIK eye surgery varies considerably depending on which technique you choose. The more sophisticated the technology, the higher the price. However, the fee also includes the surgeon’s expertise and education. Only a few ophthalmologists in India have received training and competence to perform these operations.

The Eye Mantra hospital is one of the best eye hospitals in India, and it offers LASIK eye surgery at reasonable prices. The cost of a Standard Blade LASIK procedure ranges from $15,000 to $20,000 (approx.). In Delhi, bladeless LASIK may cost anywhere from $75,000 to $90,000 (approx.), depending on the complexity of each case and the procedure used.

ProcedureRecovery TimeRisks (Dislocation
/ flap tearing)
(High power
/ thin cornea)
Key BenefitPrice/Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK In Delhi30 daysHighCheck iconBasic standard surgery for specs removal12,000
C LASIK In Delhi15 daysHighCheck IconCustomized to cornea16,000
Contoura In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconCorneal polishing and aberration removal for super vision.25,000
TransPRK In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconOne step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless, Touchless, and Safest32,000
Femto LASIK In Delhi3 daysHighCheck IconLaser used to create flap40,000
ICL Surgery In Delhi3 daysMediumCheck IconEye lens replaced with a new lens40,000
Smart Surf LASIK In Delhi3 daysLowestCheck Icon5D Eye tracking with aberration removal | Max tissue saving45,000
SMILE In Delhi7 daysLowCheck IconLaser used to extract eye tissue for vision correction80,000