We believe that everyone has the right to see things clearly. That is why we have chosen to devote our life to offering people with the finest eye doctors available.

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Overview PRK

Photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) is a laser eye surgery that involves reshaping the lens of the eye. A refractive issue occurs when light cannot be bent appropriately by your eyes, preventing you from seeing properly. After your PRK, there’s a chance you won’t need glasses or contact lenses any more, or only for specific activities like reading or driving at night.

PRK is usually an outpatient procedure, which means you can go home the same day. The surgery itself only takes a few minutes, but the whole process — including prep time and recovery — can take several hours.

Most people have good vision within a few days of PRK, but it can take up to three months for your vision to stabilize. During that time, you might need to wear glasses or contact lenses.

PRK Procedure

PRK is performed by removing the surface layer of the cornea, called the epithelium. This is done using a device called a microkeratome or a femtosecond laser. Once the epithelium is removed, the excimer laser is used to reshape the cornea. Finally, a contact lens or bandage is placed over the eye to protect it during healing.

PRK can be performed on one eye at a time or both eyes at the same time. The procedure usually takes less than 30 minutes. Recovery from PRK takes a few days to a week. Most people experience some discomfort and light sensitivity immediately after the procedure. These symptoms typically resolve within a few days.

PRK Procedure

Benefits of PRK

PRK surgery involves permanently changing the shape of your eye’s cornea, which is the clear, dome-shaped surface that covers the front of your eye.

ICL-Implantable Collamer Lens

Some of the advantages of PRK eye surgery are:

  • Better choice for people with very thin corneas or other eye conditions that make LASIK unsafe.
  • Better choice for athletes, military personnel, and others who are at risk of eye injuries because there is no flap of tissue created
  • PRK recovery may be quicker than LASIK, and you may experience less discomfort during the healing process.
  • No risk of flap complications with PRK
  • Better quality vision as compared to LASIK
  • Reduced risk of serious complications, such as flap dislocation.

Why PRK Surgery?

Keep in mind that each technique has advantages and disadvantages. An ophthalmologist must examine a patient to determine which treatment is best for him or her.

In use for30 Years10 Years5 Years
Recovery of eyesight7 days24 hours24 hours
Full stabilization of eyesight3 months6 weeks6 weeks
Side Effects after treatmentIrritation lasting 3 days, Occasional pain possible.Irritation lasting 24 hoursIrritation lasting 6 hours
Risk of dislocation, tearing, or loss of corneal flapNoYesNo
Dryness of the eye after treatmentYes. TemporaryYes. Permanent in rare casesNo
Re-treatment Rate4%7%1%

PRK Risks

There are certain side effects that people may experience after LASIK surgery. These are usually temporary. They include:

Pain or discomfort.
Pain or Discomfort
Blurry or hazy vision.
Blurry or Hazy Vision
Poor night vision.
Poor Night Vision
Reduced vision sharpness
Reduced Vision Sharpness
Sensations of dryness or scratchiness.
Sensations of Dryness or Scratchiness.
Halos, starbursts, or glare around lights.
Halos, Starbursts, or Glare Around Lights
Light sensitivity.
Light Sensitivity
Small red or pink patches on the white part of the eye.
Small Pink or Red Patches

PRK Surgery Aftercare

After your PRK surgery, you will need to take care of your eyes to ensure a successful recovery.

Here are some aftercare tips:

  • Use the artificial tears or ointment prescribed by your doctor to keep your eyes lubricated and reduce irritation.
  • Avoid rubbing your eyes. It is important not to rub your eyes or get soap or water in them for at least four weeks after surgery.
  • Wear sunglasses when you go outside. Sunglasses will help protect your eyes from the sun and wind.
  • You should avoid activities that could cause you to sweat or get your heart rate up for at least four weeks after surgery. This includes exercise, saunas, and hot tubs.
  • Use eye drops as prescribed. Your doctor may prescribe eye drops to help with the healing process.

PRK Cost

The cost of PRK surgery with Eyemantra is very affordable. We offer a variety of payment options to make the surgery as affordable as possible for our patients. There are a number of financing options available for those who qualify. We also accept major credit cards and offer a variety of discounts for those who pay cash up front.

ProcedureRecovery TimeRisks (Dislocation
/ flap tearing)
(High power
/ thin cornea)
Key BenefitPrice/Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK In Delhi30 daysHighCheck iconBasic standard surgery for specs removal12,000
C LASIK In Delhi15 daysHighCheck IconCustomized to cornea16,000
Contoura In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconCorneal polishing and aberration removal for super vision.25,000
TransPRK In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconOne step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless, Touchless, and Safest32,000
Femto LASIK In Delhi3 daysHighCheck IconLaser used to create flap40,000
ICL Surgery In Delhi3 daysMediumCheck IconEye lens replaced with a new lens40,000
Smart Surf LASIK In Delhi3 daysLowestCheck Icon5D Eye tracking with aberration removal | Max tissue saving45,000
SMILE In Delhi7 daysLowCheck IconLaser used to extract eye tissue for vision correction80,000

Best Eye Hospital.

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There are several world-class eye hospitals that provide LASIK Laser eye surgery, including the L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad and Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai, as well as AIIMS and Eye Mantra in India. In Delhi, there are a number of remarkable eye hospitals that offer LASIK surgery, too.

We use the most cutting-edge equipment and technology to provide complete eye care for our LASIK, SMILE, Contura, and ICL patients. We are dedicated to offering low-cost high-quality eye surgery services that help our customers improve their eyesight and quality of life.

If you’re thinking about undergoing LASIK eye surgery, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with us so that we may analyze your unique circumstances and recommend the finest treatment for you. We are delighted to help you in seeing more clearly!

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Top PRK Surgeons in Delhi

We have the most experienced and skilled surgeons in the field, and our state-of-the-art facilities are equipped with the latest technology. This allows us to provide you with the best possible care and results.

Dr.-Shweta-Jain-300x300-1 (1)
Dr. Shweta Jain
Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK
Dr Neha Wadhwa
Dr. Neha Wadhwa
Dr lalit
Dr. Lalit Chaudhary
Femtosecond LASIK
Dr. Poonam Gupta
Femtosecond LASIK

Our Facilities

Slit Lamp
Post Operative Care
Excimer Laser Machine
Femto Lasik Machine
Femto Lasik Machine
Eyemantra Delhi Front
Eyemantra Delhi