Standard LASIK

We believe that everyone has the right to see things clearly. That is why we have chosen to devote our life to offering people with the finest eye doctors available.

Overview Standard LASIK

The Food and Drug Administration in the United States (FDA) approved LASIK (laser assisted in-situ keratomileusis) in 1999. It is a laser vision correction treatment that can help most patients abandon glasses and contact lenses entirely. The cornea is reshaped by LASIK to treat nearsightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), and astigmatism. Newer technologies have given way to bladeless LASIK and custom LASIK, but traditional LASIK remains common because it is safe and effective. Traditional LASIK is the best option for some patients.

LASIK is a complex medical procedure that requires the skill of an experienced surgeon. The FDA has a list of things you should consider before undergoing LASIK surgery. Make sure to consult with your doctor to see if LASIK is right for you.

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Standard LASIK Procedure

In LASIK, an oscillating blade called a microkeratome is utilized to cut a little flap in the corneal surface. To raise the flap, a tiny quantity of suction is applied, allowing the excimer laser to make small refinements to the cornea.

The flap is then closed, and will heal on its own. There are no stitches or sutures involved..

You are conscious throughout the procedure. General anesthesia is not required. To keep you comfortable, eye drops to numbness are utilized. The entire surgery takes between five and fifteen minutes for each eye.

Benefits of Standard LASIK

LASIK is a relatively safe surgical procedure with few adverse effects and little pain afterward. Our laser specs removals have helped people abandon their glasses for good.

Some of the advantages of Standard Lasik eye surgery surgery are:

  • The flap is formed in approximately thirty seconds.
  • The patient will not be shifted from one room to the next during the surgery, as the entire procedure may be done in a single location with this technique.
  • There are no worries about having difficulties or needing to re-calibrate since microkeratome instruments may cut through any discrepancy in color or opacity.
  • Other systems, such as the elimination of the epithelial flaps, may be added to the microkeratome for producing epithelial flap reconstructions.
  • inflammation is less frequent in the traditional LASIK procedure.
  • Microkeratome surgeries cost less than traditional surgeries!

Blade Vs Bladeless LASIK

Please keep in mind that one approach isn’t superior than the other. To determine which treatment is ideal for a patient, an ophthalmologist must examine him or her.



  • Preferred technique for correcting previous LASIK procedures
  • It’s possible that you’ll feel more at ease.
  • Suction is less required.
  • Preferred treatment for those who have glaucoma
  • Reduced possibility of complications
  • Compared to bladeless, it’s a quicker procedure.
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Bladeless LASIK

  • Flap thickness variation risk is notably lower.
  • When compared to blade, post-surgical vision is better.
  • Touch-up surgery is not usually needed.
  • Effective and Safe for people with thin corneas or significant refractive errors
  • Fewer postoperative problems are experienced.
  • To the human cornea, it’s extremely delicate.

Standard LASIK Risks

There are certain side effects that people may experience after LASIK surgery. These are usually temporary. They include:

Pain or discomfort.
Pain or Discomfort
Blurry or hazy vision.
Blurry or Hazy Vision
Poor night vision.
Poor Night Vision
Reduced vision sharpness
Reduced Vision Sharpness
Sensations of dryness or scratchiness.
Sensations of Dryness or Scratchiness.
Halos, starbursts, or glare around lights.
Halos, Starbursts, or Glare Around Lights
Light sensitivity.
Light Sensitivity
Small red or pink patches on the white part of the eye.
Small Pink or Red Patches

LASIK Surgery Aftercare

Most patients see without glasses following a Lasik procedure. However, because corneal stabilization and healing might take as long as 6 months, it is recommended that you wait this long before applying for vision correction. Corneal stability is necessary before repeating operations on the eye.


Some of the aftercare tips for Standard Lasik eye surgery are:

  • Expected to see blurred and have some watering on the day of treatment, as well as discomfort.
  • The next day, your vision should be clearer and more comfortable.
  • When administering drops, be careful not to disturb the flap.
  • For seven to eight days, no water in the eyes or head bath
  • For the next two weeks, I’ll be using them outside.
  • Light sensitivity, glare, dryness, and blurred night vision are all typical side effects. These are typical and gradually improve with time.

Standard LASIK Cost

LASIK is a highly common operation in India, with over 1 lakh individuals having had laser eye surgery. It also aids people who wish to eliminate their glasses or contact lenses permanently. In certain situations, however, the surgical procedure may be costly.

The Eye Mantra hospital is one of the most respected eye hospitals in India and offers LASIK eye surgery at a reasonable price. The cost of Standard Blade LASIK ranges from $15,000 to $25,000. The expense, however, is determined by the technique used as well as the severity of each situation.

ProcedureRecovery TimeRisks (Dislocation
/ flap tearing)
(High power
/ thin cornea)
Key BenefitPrice/Eye (₹)
Standard LASIK In Delhi30 daysHighCheck iconBasic standard surgery for specs removal12,000
C LASIK In Delhi15 daysHighCheck IconCustomized to cornea16,000
Contoura In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconCorneal polishing and aberration removal for super vision.25,000
TransPRK In Delhi3 daysLowCheck IconOne step procedure: Bladeless, Flapless, Touchless, and Safest32,000
Femto LASIK In Delhi3 daysHighCheck IconLaser used to create flap40,000
ICL Surgery In Delhi3 daysMediumCheck IconEye lens replaced with a new lens40,000
Smart Surf LASIK In Delhi3 daysLowestCheck Icon5D Eye tracking with aberration removal | Max tissue saving45,000
SMILE In Delhi7 daysLowCheck IconLaser used to extract eye tissue for vision correction80,000

Best Eye Hospital.

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There are several fine eye hospitals all around the world that offer LASIK Laser eye surgery, such as L.V. Prasad Eye Institute in Hyderabad and Sankara Nethralaya in Chennai, as well as AIIMS and Eye Mantra in India. In terms of LASIK Laser treatment in Delhi and the NCR region, Eye Mantra is undoubtedly the best place to go.

Our board-certified ophthalmologists employ the most up-to-date technologies and equipment to provide comprehensive eye care for our LASIK, SMILE, Contura, and ICL patients. We are dedicated to providing low-cost, high-quality eye surgery services that assist our patients in achieving better eyesight and a better quality of life.

If you are thinking about getting LASIK eye surgery, we recommend that you schedule an appointment with us so that we can evaluate your individual needs and suggest the best treatment option for you. We’re excited to assist you in seeing better!

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Top LASIK Surgeons in Delhi

Eye Mantra provides the greatest ophthalmologists and cutting-edge equipment for your LASIK surgery.

Dr.-Shweta-Jain-300x300-1 (1)
Dr. Shweta Jain
Cataract, Retina, Glaucoma, LASIK
Dr Neha Wadhwa
Dr. Neha Wadhwa
Dr lalit
Dr. Lalit Chaudhary
Femtosecond LASIK
Dr. Poonam Gupta
Femtosecond LASIK

Our Facilities

Slit Lamp
Post Operative Care
Excimer Laser Machine
Femto Lasik Machine
Femto Lasik Machine
Eyemantra Delhi Front
Eyemantra Delhi