Lasik Surgery risks / complications
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Lasik is a very popular eye procedure that is utilized to correct common vision issues including long-sightedness, short-sightedness, astigmatism, and various other sorts of abnormalities. It not only improves eyesight but also decreases the need for people to wear glasses or contact lenses.
Imagine what a wonderful thing it would be to have perfect vision without the difficulties of glasses or contact lenses for the rest of your life by only undergoing a simple surgical operation procedure. This eye treatment method takes 10 minutes and is done under topical anesthesia, which means you won’t experience any pain or discomfort during the procedure.
If you’re thinking about getting a Lasik procedure in Delhi to fix your vision problem, we can help. Simply call us or email us with your question to obtain immediate, impartial answers on Lasik, which will assist Lasik patients in improving their eyesight quickly and effectively.
Risk Factors
- No assurance that it will result in a permanent cure: There is no assurance that this operation will permanently remove the need for reading glasses and spectacles, especially among individuals over the age of 40. For those who are under the age of 40, there is a guarantee of total elimination of dependence on glasses, spectacle, and contact lenses, but others have been observed wearing glasses at night as they struggle to see clearly.
- Corneal flap issues: Occasionally, the cornea may not heal completely and quickly. The complete healing of the cornea is contingent on and varies from patient to patient. Some patients’ corneas may be healed in months, while others might need longer periods for recovery; aberrant healing of the cornea can lead to ectasia dislocation, a disease that causes the corneal flap to dislocate. With newer technologies that create flaps for Lasik, such as 100% Blade Free Femtosecond Lasik Surgery, corneal flap issues are almost non-existent.

LASIK Recovery
The corneal recovery is very quick, and you may be surprised to discover your vision improve and regain clarity after the operation. Patients can resume their job as early as 1-2 days following surgery, but for some people it might take up to 4-5 days.
After the cornea transplant surgery, you will be able to see better and your vision will be clearer. You may also notice that your eyesight is not as sensitive to light as it was before the surgery. It is important to keep your eyes protected from strong light and sunlight during the first few months after the surgery. You should also avoid rubbing your eyes.
Side Effects
- Dry Eyes: Dry eye is a frequent side effect of Lasik surgery, and most patients experience dry eyes after six months following the procedure due to the adverse impact of the surgery on natural eye nerve function. This surgical damage also reduces the natural tear production ability as well as voluntary moisture or when required.
- Vision Disturbances: Another disadvantage of this operation is visual disorders such as starbursts, double vision, halos, and other anomalies. Individuals may occasionally experience night blindness as a result of these problems. These side effects aren’t just caused by the surgery; they’re also due to overworking or driving every day after the operation. However, because lasers are more accurate and effective, these side effects have been eliminated with newer laser technology. You can also prevent diseases by consulting with your doctor at the right time.